Personal site: ElliotPolsky.com | Resource page: ThomisticMetaphysics.com
Welcome to my site.
I am a PhD candidate at the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas (Houston, TX), working in the area of medieval metaphysics and philosophy of language.
My dissertation concerns the sources for St. Thomas Aquinas's claims about the accidentality and essentiality of being (esse). While it has normally been thought—going back at least to Pierre Duhem—that Thomas's doctrines in this area principally come from Avicenna by way of William of Auvergne, I argue that they are much more the product of the Latin translations of Averroës's commentaries and of the twelfth- and early thirteenth-century logico-grammatical tradition.
I have published in the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Nova et Vetera, Studia Gilsoniana, among other journals on Boethius's metaphysics, Gilson and Maritain, substance and universals, grace, and special relativity. For a list of my publications, see below.
I have taught undergraduate philosophy courses on metaphysics, philosophy of human nature, and ethics since the summer of 2020, and have served as a copyeditor for The Catholic University of America Press since the spring of 2022.
Contact info:
For students: Please use the @stthom.edu email available on Blackboard and on the Student Resource Page.
For non-students: Feel free to message me on my Academia.edu.
PhD candidate | Adjunct Faculty